

Five Sure Signs
1 - She avoids eye contact. This is one of the biggest give-away. It's generally most noticeable after she's just been with her other man. If she comes to greet you and looks away, it means she's feeling guilty and hiding something. Both clear signs of another lover.
2 - She stops touching you. Women like to touch and be touched in both intimate and non-intimate ways. If you are wondering if something is going on, think back over the past days or weeks. Has she touched you in ways she used to? Does she seek out your touch. Are there hugs and unprovoked kisses? These are all signs that something is amiss. Granted, it might just be that she is going through a rough patch, but when you combine it with these other signs listed her, it is almost a sure bet that your lady has found another. A related thing is that she might start smelling or looking different, as women like to wear perfume or dress up for a new man in her life.
3 - She has to pause to think before answering questions about where she was. It takes some work to deceive someone you are close to. Couples want to know what the other was doing when they were apart. This is not just to be nosy, but to share in one another's lives, so that there is a constant bond. In general this is a good thing. But if you notice that she has to pause and look away when you ask where she's been, it probably means she's making up a lie.
4 - She seems noticeably happier for no apparent reason. As with any new relationship, there is the initial euphoric stage. If your girl has found someone that excites her or makes her happy in other ways, it'll be almost impossible for her to keep it from showing.
5 - She cries sometimes and won't tell you why. Inevitably, most women will at some point feel some sort of remorse or guilt over what they are doing. And in all likelihood they won't be able to control the when and where of these kinds of emotions. It might be when you do something kind for her, or when she looks in the mirror. At any rate, for most women, at some point, there will be tears.
These five sure signs on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating on you can be used by any guy who has a girlfriend and is starting to wonder if she is being faithful to him. If you are such a guy, I hope these signs help you figure out if your suspicions are correct. 
Good luck.

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